Aircraft Data Network (ADN)
recording case study

Avionics data visibility and storage

Aircraft manufacturers like Boeing Aircraft have adopted commercial-off-the-shelf Ethernet as the next-generation Aircraft Data Network (ADN) recording technology. Designers recognize today’s low-cost Ethernet as an optimal way to quickly and reliably move data between their product’s airborne systems. The technology is beneficial to flight-control signaling and passenger entertainment systems.

AFDX® /ARINC 664 Part 7 is one example of a deterministic, Quality of Service (QoS) ADN technology for commercial-freight and passenger aircraft. Electronic systems that interface and utilize the AFDX® network installed at various stages of its production cycle. Designers and builders understand the importance of monitoring the aircraft’s data-bus as they bring online avionics systems. The captured data is valuable for both system troubleshooting and design improvements.

However, the assembly of just one passenger plane could take from four to six weeks to complete. An ideal solution is a long-duration recording system that can capture bus data from the start of the aircraft’s assembly until its completion. It’s an opportunity to archive critical data for future systems analysis.

What’s needed?

AFDX®/ARINC664 network recording

MDR Silver Series

Daqscribe nStudio™ software

Abaco RCNIC-A2PA Interface

Abaco RCNIC-A2PA Interface
Aircraft Data Recording
Aircraft ground control station


An aircraft data-bus tool solution

Many capable data-bus tools aid in developing, troubleshooting, and maintaining an aircraft’s avionics systems. For example, Abaco Systems offers a powerful software suite, complete with deep avionics analytics and test and simulation capabilities.

Engineers and technicians can present bus data in multiple formats. The first could be in a simple text-based form, while the other design features advanced, albeit realistic, visualizations.

Like graphic analog gauges and strip charts, these software tools generally feature a graphical user interface (GUI) with an optional Windows®-hosted API or Linux operating system.

Such software typically interfaces directly with the aircraft for real-time analysis and limited logging capability. However, a full-rate data recorder is better, especially when there isn’t an opportunity to operate and real aircraft. Archived data from a previous process is valuable. It can be exported or played back as originally captured to the recorder’s disk-based volume(s).

Daqscribe MDR6020 Classic

A conventional bus analysis tool should not notice the difference between recorded aircraft data and data streaming directly from the aircraft.

Several leading aircraft manufacturers chose Daqscribe’s MDR6020 Classic recorder for long-duration AFDX®/ARINC664 (via Ethernet) recording. This product features 100% Ethernet packet capture, single-system storage capacities up to 60TB, and a remarkably easy-to-use operations GUI.

Ask us how Daqscribe Ethernet Recorders can enhance your aircraft data-bus analysis process with an advanced aircraft network recording solution.

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